Langley review board grumbles about port signs

The Port of South Whidbey’s expansion of the dock, commonly called Langley marina but officially the South Whidbey Harbor, has one sticking point that Langley’s Design Review Board is keeping an eye on.

The Port of South Whidbey’s expansion of the dock, commonly called Langley marina but officially the South Whidbey Harbor, has one sticking point that Langley’s Design Review Board is keeping an eye on.

Part of the deal between the city and the port district, which assumed ownership of the marina several years ago, was that signs would include Langley’s name on them. Rather than just “South Whidbey Harbor this way,” the signs might read “South Whidbey Harbor at Langley this way.”

Sign designs brought before the review board, the group of citizens in charge of city aesthetics, did not include the city’s name.

“It doesn’t say Langley anywhere in the signage,” said Bob Dalton, the board’s chairman.

Mayor Fred McCarthy said raised the issue with one of the port commissioners who would be “sensitive” to Langley’s desire to have its name included on the way-finding signs.

The Design Review Board approved all of the signage requests from the port district, said Dalton, but he wanted to make sure the port would follow up with the inclusion of the city’s name.

“I think a lot of people would be uncomfortable if it didn’t say Langley,” McCarthy said.