Local churches announce upcoming services

South Whidbey churches have announced the topics for upcoming services.

Doug Benecke is guest speaker

Songwriter and speaker Doug Benecke will join Unity of Whidbey to speak on “The Illusion and Reality of Success” on Sunday, Nov. 2.

After exploring and profiling the meanings of failure last week, this next message will examine the experience of success as we see it, and perhaps, as the spirit sees it. What is true success, and how do we recognize it?

Two talks by visiting workers

Representatives of the Center for Development in Central America will visit two South Whidbey churches on Sunday, Nov. 9.

They’ll speak at 11 a.m. at Langley United Methodist, and at 7 p.m. to the Unitarian Universalist congregation.

They’ll show slides of their work in Nicaragua, describe current projects and have many Nicaraguan products (wonderful Christmas presents) for sale.

CDCA was started 15 years ago by a group from a North Carolina church (now called the Jubilee House) to help Nicaraguans help themselves. They work with very poor people to help identify their needs, find local leaders, muster resources, all to help them become self-sufficient and sustainable.

Two of the original group, Kathy and Pat Floerke, are making their third visit to Whidbey.

‘The Heart of Democracy’

So close to Election Day we, as a nation, are gripped by the tensions of campaign tactics, national and global issues and the general frenzy of competing ideologies portrayed in the media. It’s easy to lose sight of the ideals of democracy when they are swamped by charges and counter-charges among candidates and stakeholders.

Rev. Kit Ketcham will speak about what she sees as the heart of democracy at the Sunday service for the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Whidbey Island.

The service is at 10 a.m. at 20103 Highway 525, just north of Freeland. Click here for more information.

Popular series continues Sunday

Darrel Wenzek continues his popular series from Genesis tomorrow morning at South Whidbey Community Church.

His topic will be “Paradise Lost,” based on Genesis 3:14-24. Wenzek is a former pastor and a graduate of Western Theological Seminary, in Portland.

The first SWCC Men’s Breakfast will be held at 8:30 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 8 at the Deer Lagoon Grange. The featured chef will be Steve Hochenedel. All guys are invited for a great breakfast and a time to get acquainted.

On Sunday, Nov. 9, the church will host a Mexican-food potluck and a short bi-monthly congregational meeting following the morning worship.

Each worship service begins at 10 a.m., and is preceded at 9 a.m. by two adult learning forums: one a discussion of the Book of Romans, led by Stan Walker; the other a study of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, led by Jim Craft. Midweek Bible studies continue in the Gospel of Luke, at 7 p.m. Wednesdays, led by Art Angst at the home of Rick and Dinah Zapata.

South Whidbey Community Church is open to everyone and gathers for worship each Sunday at the Deer Lagoon Grange, 5142 Bayview Road, Langley.