Local churches announce upcoming services

Discover the Unitarian perspective on Easter

Because Unitarian Universalists have Christians, Jews, atheists, agnostics, pagans, Buddhists and others in their congregations, they consider many perspectives on Easter.

At the Sunday service for the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Whidbey Island, Rev. Elizabeth “Kit” Ketcham will speak about the special meaning the Christian season of Easter can have for Unitarian Universalists.

All are welcome. Values-based children’s religious exploration classes and childcare will be provided. The service is at 10 a.m. at 20103 Highway 525, just north of Freeland. Check www.whidbey.com/uucwi for more information.

‘The (Com)Passion of the Christ’ will be at Unity

Join Unity of Whidbey for a love-focused Easter celebration on Sunday.

Speaker Doug Benecke and violinist Talia Toni Marcus will lead a worship service focused on the renewal of love and compassion brought by the resurgence of spring and the resurrection of the Christ spirit.

As flowers bloom, as hummingbirds hover and soar, so may our hearts open and our souls lighten in this season of rebirth.

All are welcome. Unity meets at their new church, located at 5671 Crawford Road in Langley, directly east of the House of Prayer. For additional information or directions, call 321-5030 or check the Unity Web site at www.unityofwhidbeyisland.org.

Celebrate the rising of Christ at SWCC on Sunday

Tomorrow morning, the congregation at South Whidbey Community Church will celebrate with a worship service that includes special music and a joint message from both pastors, Darrell Wenzek and Ron Wedeking.

The sermon will be “He is Risen, Indeed” based on the Gospel of Matthew, 28:1-15.

The church will also hear a violin performance by Mira Yamamoto, who has performed with the Everett Youth Symphony and the Saratoga Chamber Orchestra. The SWCC Adult Choir will also join in musical worship and praise.

An Easter brunch will follow the service, to which all are invited.

Morning worship begins at 10 a.m. and is preceded by the adult learning forum at 9 a.m., with Stan Walker leading an inductive study into Paul’s Letter to the Philippians and Art Angst leading a study into the Gospel of Luke. These are open classes to which everyone is invited.

All South Whidbey Community Church sermons and special adult forum lectures are recorded, and copies on CD-R or e-mailed as Windows audio attachments may be obtained by calling the church at 221-1220.

SWCC is a local independent, non-denominational church that adheres to the National Association of Evangelical’s Statement of Faith. It is open to everyone and gathers for worship each Sunday at the Deer Lagoon Grange, 5142 Bayview Road, Langley. For further information about the church and services, go to www.whidbey church.org or call 221-1220.

Jewish community celebrates Passover

Celebrate Passover with a seder sponsored by the Whidbey Island Jewish Community at 6 p.m. Saturday, April 3 at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Whidbey Island meeting hall in Freeland.

The celebration will be a fun and meaningful seder for Jews on Whidbey, their families and guests; all are welcome.

Contact Stefan at stefans@whidbey.com by e-mail, or call 321-5206 to sign up to bring some of the necessities (seder plate, karpas and candles) and a potluck dish.

WIJC requests a donation in order to cover the hall rental and to provide programming.

Visit wijc.wordpress.com or e-mail slb@whidbey.com for more information.

Celebrate the light of Jesus on Sunday

Jesus was a supreme teacher who knew how to use story and example as teaching tools. By overcoming death, he demonstrated what he told his followers to do: heal the sick and raise the dead.

“Christ shall give thee light.” (Ephesians 5:14)

“Jesus’ deed was for the enlightenment of men and for the salvation of the whole world from sin, sickness, and death” (“Science and Health”).

Join the Christian Science Church on April 4 as members celebrate the light of understanding within Jesus’ teachings and explore how this light is a part of our lives today. Services begin at 10:30 a.m. at the Christian Science church, 15910 Highway 525 (just north of Bayview and across from Useless Bay Road). Everyone is welcome.