Local Deer Lagoon Grangers qualify for state competition | KUDOS

The Island County Grange Competitions were held at Deer Lagoon Grange Hall in Langley in May.

The Island County Grange Competitions were held at Deer Lagoon Grange Hall in Langley in May.

The highest scoring entries in each category are eligible to participate in a state competition at the Washington State Grange Convention in Spokane, June 20-24.

In the Arts and Crafts Competition, the Whidbey entry eligible this year is: edible food art by Christine Williams of Langley.

In the Family Living Competitions, the eligible Whidbey entries are: a canning entry in each of three categories of fruit, spreads, and pickles by Christine Williams of Langley.

Two entries in photography are eligible for the state level competition, one for animals and one in portraiture, both by Bob Cadwallader of Greenbank.