Local Scouts earn highest rank

Langley Boy Scout Troop 57 is proud to announce the attainment of the Eagle Scout rank for Trevor Ulrich and Craig Justus.

Langley Boy Scout Troop 57 is proud to announce the attainment of the Eagle Scout rank for Trevor Ulrich and Craig Justus.

In an Eagle Scout Court of Honor ceremony, Scout Masters Donny Neil and Ken Berry presided over the ceremony honoring the two young men for their achievement.

Ulrich is the son of Duran and Cindy Ulrich of Langley, and is currently studying at Western Washington University.

Justus is the son of Scott and Sherry Justus of Clinton, and works for Whidbey Telecom. He will be continuing his studies in the near future.

Troop 57 extends its congratulations to the new Eagle Scouts.