Pipe up about pipeline Monday

"A proposed new pipeline stretching across South Whidbey could provide island residents with a regular supply of natural gas. But some islanders question whether such a pipeline, which could run from the Canadian border to Everett and under Puget Sound before reaching Whidbey, would be safe and environmentally wise."

“A proposed new pipeline stretching across South Whidbey could provide island residents with a regular supply of natural gas. But some islanders question whether such a pipeline, which could run from the Canadian border to Everett and under Puget Sound before reaching Whidbey, would be safe and environmentally wise.Monday night, the companies involved in the proposed pipeline will present a public workshop on South Whidbey. Puget Sound Energy and Cascade Natural Gas will explain their plans, take public comment and answer questions.Island County commissioners and staff will also attend as will representatives from the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission who will discuss the permitting process involved in such an undertaking.The meeting will be held at the Bayview Senior Center on Monday, April 24 at 7 p.m..”