‘Problems’ series continues at CMA

Some have argued that religion is just bondage; the Old Testament children of Israel exchanged one form of slavery (Egypt) with another (God, the Law). Where is there real freedom?

Some have argued that religion is just bondage; the Old Testament children of Israel exchanged one form of slavery (Egypt) with another (God, the Law). Where is there real freedom?

Pastor Dwight Ford continues the “‘Problems’ in Faith” series and tackles the topic “Aren’t all Religions Really About Control?” at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, Jan. 15 at Langley CMA Church.

Also the Mission’s Conference is the week of Jan. 22-29.  Langley CMA Church will have missionary guest speakers on Jan. 22 and Jan. 29. Everyone is welcome.

Pastor Ford will resume the sermon series on Feb. 5.

Information on the Langley CMA Church worship schedule, audio messages and upcoming activities can be found at www.langleycma.org or call 221-6980.