South Whidbey churches list weekend events

Plenty of activities from which to choose.

‘Freedom and Creativity’ at UUCWI

The end goal of life as a biological organism is to reproduce oneself, whether we are human, grasshopper, algae or virus. Humans are perhaps the only creatures who can consciously choose to reproduce or not. What does freedom mean when it comes to creating new life?

On this Mother’s Day service at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Whidbey Island, Rev. Kit Ketcham will speak about the many conflicting factors facing those who would create new life.

All are welcome. Values-based children’s religious exploration classes and childcare will be provided. The service is at 10 a.m. Sunday at 20103 Highway 525, just north of Freeland. Check for more information.

Reflections on the power of the feminine

Rev. Patty Becker will give the talk “Oh Mother, Where for Art Thou!” at the Unity of Whidbey service on Sunday.

Becker returns on this Mother’s Day to share reflections on the presence and power of the feminine, especially through motherhood — awareness especially dear to Becker at this time having just welcomed a brand-new grandson into the world.

Maureen Freehill will bring a dance of Butoh, Talia Toni Marcus and Tadd CharetteNunn will provide the musical accompaniment and Donna Vanderheiden will serve as platform assistant. All are welcome.

A Course in Miracles group meets from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Visit Unity of Whidbey’s website at for more information.

Pastor speaks from the Old Testament

Pastor Darrell Wenzek will be speaking Sunday at South Whidbey Community Church from the Old Testament Book of Joshua.

Sunday worship is from 10 to 11 a.m. and is preceded by an adult learning forum at 9 a.m., with Stan Walker leading a study in the Book of First Corinthians, and Rick Zapata leading a study in the Book of Genesis: the life of the Patriarchs. These are open classes and everyone is invited.

Home Bible studies are also offered; check the church website for times and locations.

All South Whidbey Community Church sermons and special adult forum events are recorded and are available on the church’s website.

SWCC is a local independent, non-denominational church that welcomes everyone and gathers for worship at the Deer Lagoon Grange, 5142 Bayview Rd.

For further information about the church and services, call 221-1220 or check out

Adult forum looks at final life journey

“Hope Our Ally on Our Final Life Journey” is the title of the class to be presented by Cathy Fanslow-Brunjes at the adult forum on Sunday at Trinity Lutheran Church.

Hope is most important when we face our own dying and death. Fanslow-Brunjes’ “Hope System” describes how hope changes from diagnosis to our last breath, and how to be there when it counts for our loved ones and ourselves as the life ends.

The class will be held in the Fireside Room at 9:30 a.m. May 8. All are welcome.

Staking your claim with Christian Science

On Sunday, May 8, the Christian Science service discusses how you can claim your right to the first, perfect creation.

“According to the best scholars, there are clear evidences of two distinct documents in the early part of the book of Genesis,” (“Science and Health”).

In one version, humans are created as perfect; in the other, Adam and Eve are formed of dust and bone and subject to temptation, disease and death.

“As mortals begin to understand Spirit, they give up the belief that there is any true existence apart from God,” (“Science and Health”).

When you stake your claim, you can begin asserting the beauty, love and health that is part of an infinite and perfect creation.

All are welcome to this joyful service beginning at 10:30 a.m. at 15910 Highway 525, just north of Bayview and across from Useless Bay Road.