Summer ends for Falcon athletes

"They don't return to school until September, but for scores of athletes summer officially came to an end Monday.Fall sports turnouts began under blue skies, which perhaps made the opening day calisthenics and running a little easier. "

“They don’t return to school until September, but for scores of athletes summer officially came to an end Monday.Fall sports turnouts began under blue skies, which perhaps made the opening day calisthenics and running a little easier.New South Whidbey High School athletic director John Patton said Monday morning that football attracted about 45 players, volleyball 40, boys cross country 17, girls cross country 15, and tennis 25. And by 3:30 p.m. head soccer coach Paul Arand was putting nearly 40 girls through their first official workout of the year.Although many are turning out, there’s likely more to come. Patton said some athletes are on family vacations and there are students new to the district who will come in later.Patton said athletes can still turn out for a team, and that the football team particularly could use some more players. Inquire at the high school athletic office. “