To the editor:

To the editor:

Benefit show was inspiring, helpful

To the editor:

It was gratifying to have so many people attend the benefit for “Moving Images,” April 24 at the Mukilteo Coffee Roasters.

The filmmakers Mark Dworkin and Melissa Young have made a remarkable film, “Good Food.” It is inspiring to learn how many innovative farmers are producing food without artificial additives. As a member of South Whidbey Tilth, I was proud to be a sponsor of this event.

Ultimately the more we can encourage local farming and gardening, the better and less costly our food will be.

The event featured a mini farmers market and a table of edible treats including local greens; a salad of the ancient grain, emmer; and local beef from Quail Run Farm. The emmer is produced by Brooke and Sam Lucy of Bluebird Grain Farms in the Methow Valley. The farmers were not only in the movie, but came to the benefit. They are friends of Mukilteo Coffee Roasters owners, Beth and Gary Smith.

Following the clips from “Good Food,” Young and Dworkin invited comments by some local food activists. Marc Wilson spoke for South Whidbey Tilth and Mike Hearl introduced Slow Food Whidbey, a chapter of the worldwide movement. People jumped in to tell of more local projects such as expanding school gardens similar to South Whidbey middle school’s; community supported agriculture subscription opportunities; Mary Fisher described Whidbey Island Nourishes, the sack lunch program for the growing number of hungry children on the island and Linda Lindsay told of the new food section added to the Northwest Institute’s study group curriculum.

All of us who helped “Moving Images” prepare for this wonderful evening appreciate the funds raised that evening. However, there are several thousand dollars in remaining costs needed for music rights and effective promotion of the film for the Seattle International Film Festival.

“Moving Images” is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and contributions are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Anyone who would like to further help launch this excellent film may send checks to Moving Images, c/o Melissa Young and Mark Dworkin, 3821 Beaver Creek Lane, Clinton, WA 98236.

Susan C. Prescott
