Unite with Unity of Whidbey | RELIGION NOTES

Unity of Whidbey will hold service at 10 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 24, at 5671 Crawford Road. It’s the time of year when the congregation gathers to count blessings and enjoy one another’s company. Gratitude is the focus and it’s easy to be grateful, liked and wanted, but what about the things people don’t like and didn’t ask for?

Unity of Whidbey will hold service at 10 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 24, at 5671 Crawford Road.

It’s the time of year when the congregation gathers to count blessings and enjoy one another’s company. Gratitude is the focus and it’s easy to be grateful, liked and wanted, but what about the things people don’t like and didn’t ask for?

Rev. Joanna Gabriel will explore the importance of finding the blessings in all of it. Heidi Hoelting will provide, musical inspiration, QuinSerra Stanley will be the Platform Host.

All are welcome.