Windermere offers cheerful service | Notable

Windermere Service Day is always a favorite of Good Cheer Food Bank. On Friday, June 15, Joe Mosolino and folks from Windermere Real Estate came to Good Cheer ready to make their way through a long to-do list.

Windermere Service Day is always a favorite of Good Cheer Food Bank. On Friday, June 15, Joe Mosolino and folks from Windermere Real Estate came to Good Cheer ready to make their way through a long to-do list.

They repacked strawberries that were donated and worked in the Good Cheer Garden. They painted walls, washed windows, pressure-washed sidewalks, installed parking barriers and cleared lots of brush.

They planted flowers in a new planter and added bark to the flower beds around the food bank. They sorted through lots of the donations so more products could be delivered to the Good Cheer Thrift Stores.

Since Good Cheer relies so much on volunteers to help carry out the mission, these kinds of group efforts have a major impact on how Good Cheer delivers services, according to a press release. While the staff and volunteers provide the day to day direct services to clients and customers, groups whovolunteer together help keep the facilities in top condition.

The Windermere volunteers provided 140 hours of labor during their day of service.

This one day helped Good Cheer take care of completing some facility maintenance projects as well as getting ahead on processing donated food and thrift store items.

Groups that would like to volunteer for a few hours or a day should contact Shawn Nowlin at Good Cheer at or 221-0130.