EDITORIAL | Give the Lundahls their skylight back

Sometimes bad things happen to good people. Such was the case with Langley residents Fred and Sharon Lundahl this past weekend.

Sometimes bad things happen to good people. Such was the case with Langley residents Fred and Sharon Lundahl this past weekend.

Early Saturday evening, unknown persons took a 4-foot diameter Plexiglas yurt skylight from the parking lot of their First Street business. It’s unclear whether those responsible acted with dishonest intent and purposely stole the item or simply believed it was roadside garbage, but either way they should give it back.

According to the Lundahls, the skylight is an integral part of the yurt they put together each year in the parking lot of their Langley shop. While there is little doubt the structure is a business attraction, it’s intended to be more of an educational exhibit than a money-maker.

The Lundahls are world travelers by trade, and the yurt is just one of the ways they share their experiences with the community — for free. They also hold regular community reports on their latest adventures.

The Lundahls, though they would never admit to it publicly, represent the very best of Langley. They work hard, have a successful store and are active in the business community. They regularly show up to and participate in city council meetings, are leading members of the Langley Main Street Association, and always seem to have a smile on their faces.

Fred and Sharon are good people who continually contribute to their community. So whatever the circumstances this past Saturday, show your mettle and return their skylight. It’s a small gift to those who have given much.