EDITORIAL | Sunshine for Tucker Stevens, please

It will be sunny this weekend, it will be sunny this weekend, it will be sunny this weekend. At least that’s the mantra at The Record office this week. It’s our personal effort to thwart Sunday’s shady forecast. We simply won’t tolerate another rained out Langley Soup Box Derby, especially this year.

It will be sunny this weekend, it will be sunny this weekend, it will be sunny this weekend.

At least that’s the mantra at The Record office this week. It’s our personal effort to thwart Sunday’s shady forecast. We simply won’t tolerate another rained out Langley Soup Box Derby, especially this year.

The competition is decades old, but 2015 is special. It’s been officially dubbed the Tucker Stevens Memorial Race in honor of the late Langley Community Club member who gave so much to the annual event.

Stevens died this past October 2014. He was instrumental in breathing new energy into the Langley derby as the chief organizer and cheerleader. Those who stepped up this year to fill his shoes said his leadership and enthusiasm are missed.

If the heavens allow and the prediction for mostly cloudy skies with a chance of showers proves false, the 2015 derby will be held Sunday, Aug. 30. Attendance is free, and preregistration of competitors is not required. The first race begins at 10 a.m. along the Zippy Raceway, a section of First Street between the intersections of Park and Anthes avenues.

Tie-dye commemorative T-shirts will be for sale with “Tucker Stevens Memorial Race” written on the back. Proceeds will benefit the club’s grant program to beautify and improve Langley.

Here’s to Stevens, and to a sunny Sunday.