EDITORIAL | This Christmas, we wish for …

It’s Christmas morning and people all over the world are opening presents. While the true joy of this tradition is in the giving, getting is fun too. Here’s what we were hoping to find under the tree.

It’s Christmas morning and people all over the world are opening presents. While the true joy of this tradition is in the giving, getting is fun too. Here’s what we were hoping to find under the tree.

Kimberlly Winjum, associate publisher

I always ask for my favorite perfume — which lasts me all year — Calvin Klein Euphoria.

I’m also hoping for flannel pajama pants because they are comfy and that’s what I hang out in at home.

Finally, I want a small George Foreman grill. I used it to death when they first came out and would love to have a smaller version again.

Ben Watanabe, reporter

At the top of my list, Santa, is a new telephoto lens for my Canon Rebel. It would help capture the action at South Whidbey sporting events and account for my shaky hands.

Next, I would like a full tackle box and a lighter fishing pole with better action, even though the stiff rod defined my arms pretty well as I hit Bush Point at least three times a week this season.

A gym membership would be great, but it would also need to come with the motivation to use it.

Celeste Erickson, reporter

Dear Santa,

This year for Christmas I would like Beyonce’s new album in my Christmas stocking. My annual Christmas wish came early this year with another great Beyonce and Jay-Z duet, so thank you, Santa, for that Christmas miracle.

I also would like treats year round. Please inspire our publisher, Kim Winjum, to make those oh-so delicious candied pecans and cookie trays every-so-often.

Also, no more sudden deaths of my favorite characters on Downton Abbey, please. The season ended nearly a year ago, but I’m still distraught.

Nancy Waddell, volunteer proofreader

More commas, fewer apostrophes! More hours in the day. A home for everyone.

Justin Burnett, editor

I would like some new camera gear, specifically a Nikkor 35mm f/1.8G AF-S DX. Camera lenses are kind of like boats — there’s no such thing as having too many.

An accurate weight scale would also be nice. Mine’s broken and keeps getting worse every year.

Last, but certainly not least, a snowy holiday season.

May all your under-the-tree wishes come true. From the crew at The Record, happy holidays.