EDITOR’S COLUMN | Happy to realize this former dream of spring

Tomorrow is the first official day of spring, and for me Thursday can’t come soon enough.

Tomorrow is the first official day of spring, and for me Thursday can’t come soon enough.

These past few weeks of rain have seemed infinite, and the thought of a warmer season is more than welcome. A bit of sunshine will dry out more than my soaked shoes, so to speak.

Thankfully, the signs of a waking Whidbey Island are already beginning to show. Monday’s break in the weather spurred The Record’s news staff to take a stroll down Main Street in Freeland and we were rewarded not just with blue skies and sunshine, but with the sight of blossoming plum trees.

I’m a bit of sucker for their flowers, which range in shades of white and pink. In a world of deep green, they are bit of light and I guess that’s why I like them so much.

It’s also funny how once you notice one, the rest suddenly become visible. Whidbey Island is peppered with cherry trees and their glow is everywhere.

Meerkerk Rhododendron Gardens in Greenbank is holding its annual spring nursery plant sale at 9 a.m. this weekend, March 22-23, and it’s a must-not-miss for gardeners, flower lovers and anyone who is just plain sick and tired of Old Man Winter.

Animals are hearing the knock of spring as well. Last week, Little Brown Farm in Freeland had its first batch of spring kids [see story on page 1]. The dozen Nubian mini goats are a fun bunch and it is indeed hard to resist giving one a scratch on the head.

The farm will open its doors to the public next month and allow families to swing by and take a turn at bottle feeding the little guys.

Feeding time is 3 p.m. daily, beginning April 1. The event is free, but visitors are encouraged to show their financial support by also shopping at the farm’s store. Try the Cajeta, a type of Mexican caramel sauce — it’s great in coffee.

Also worth a try is the Whidbey Audubon Society’s birding field trip at 9 a.m. Saturday, March 22, at Greenbank Farm. Such excursions are pretty cool, even if you’re not a regular birder. It’s a great way to get out with the kids or just to try something new. The event is free and forecasters are predicting favorable weather.

Spring is a great time of year, as it’s the annual renewal of the world. Get out and enjoy it — Whidbey Island offers many ways to do so.