Letter: Push back against racist policies


We, as a people, should never accept the current policies of our racist president. His latest iteration involving locking up children of immigrants seeking asylum in the United States is but one example of his fascist view of the world. He’d do away with the U.S. Constitution if he could.

And the whole Republican party is complicit in their whimpering, tacit support.

A spineless lot they are.

So, let’s keep the faith and not become inured to the madness and cruelty.

Let’s keep pushing back in every way we can. Talk to your children, talk to your grandchildren, talk to your neighbors. We can still live in a country that is not at the mercy of the National Rifle Association.

We can still live in a country that is not run by an arrogant bully.

We can still live in a country that provides universal health care for all.

We can still live in a country that does not turn its back on the less fortunate among us.

He only wins if we remain silent. Let’s be vociferous in our opposition to hatred, injustice and bigotry.

Steven V. Horton,
