OUR VIEWPOINT | Happy Thanksgiving from The Record

Every year the South Whidbey Record publishes a Thanksgiving column talking about all that we’re grateful. It was a pretty awesome year at the paper, and our list is long. Thank you for honoring us with your continued support and we wish you a happy holiday.

Every year the South Whidbey Record publishes a Thanksgiving column talking about all that we’re grateful. It was a pretty awesome year at the paper, and our list is long. Thank you for honoring us with your continued support and we wish you a happy holiday.

Rebecca Collins, creative artist

I’m so thankful the winds spared my home from falling trees! And there’s plenty of food, friendship, love and dog hair to make for a happy holiday.

Nancy Waddell, proofreader

I am thankful this season for:

The tree and garden clean-up workers on South Whidbey who help us restore our yards.

Anticipation of a first baby for a longtime friend and her husband (and the prospective grandparents).

Serving the Red Cross to help others in need.

Evan Thompson, reporter

As a relatively broke 22-year-old kid living outside his parents’ house in a tent trailer, you may think my list of things to be thankful for is short.

And you’re right. But, that’s not a bad thing. The loving people and things in my life may be few, but they’re large in my heart.

I’m thankful first and foremost for my family. Shout out to my identical twin brother Shane for holding down the fort – AKA the tent trailer beside mine – and my parents for being so gracious as to let me live somewhat rent free while I pay off my college loans.

And I’m thankful for my beats.

Ben Watanabe, de facto editor

Another year, and a lot of news got covered without physical harm to my person. For that, I am truly grateful.

I’m thankful for the prodigious libidos of rabbits, and the endless news fodder their presence provides in Langley.

I’m thankful that I continue to be infinitely better than my co-workers at Destiny and Halo.

I’m thankful every time I cross the ferry without it sinking, because I am a terrible swimmer and wouldn’t know whether to run for a lifeboat or grab the camera first.

Justin Burnett, the real editor

Hot water, a wonderful wife, a truly stellar kid and that I am still, regardless of rumor, the best “Destiny” and “Halo” player at The Record.