Speak out against DUI

Wouldn’t it feel good to do something that has the potential to save lives?

To the editor:

Wouldn’t it feel good to do something that has the potential to save lives?

You can if driving under the influence has affected your life in a personal or work-related way.

Sharing your experience as a speaker for the Impaired Driving Impact Panel of Island County is a community service that can powerfully connect with people and help prevent needless injuries and deaths on our roads.

Speakers are the heart of IDIPIC’s heart-to-heart organization and impacts local court-ordered residents, Whidbey driver’s education students, their parents and the general public.

South Whidbey panels are held the first Saturday of the month at Trinity Lutheran Church’s Grigware Hall on Highway 525 in Freeland. Doors open at 12:45 p.m. for the two-hour interactive presentation. The panels are open to the public and free for those not court- or attorney-ordered.

We’re together on the roads; let’s be together in the cause to keep our roads safe from DUI.

For more information on IDIPIC, its panels and other community service, please visit www.idipic.org.

JoAnn Hellmann

Impaired Driving Impact

Panel of Island County