Central Whidbey shooting club plans air gun class

An air gun competition class will be at the Central Whidbey Sportsman’s Association clubhouse to ring in the new year.

An air gun competition class will be at the Central Whidbey Sportsman’s Association clubhouse to ring in the new year.

The seminar is scheduled for 10 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 1 at the club, located at the end of Safari Lane, just south of Morris Road off  Highway 20 near Coupeville.

John Jeffries, a competitor in many air gun disciplines, will host the class. The seminar will cover the types of guns available, ammunition, range determination, estimation and shot placement. The emphasis will be on field shooting.

Participants may bring their own air gun. Targets will be set with limited coaching available.

For more information, call Jeffries at 675-3054.