Most of South Whidbey remains in the dark after power outage

A quick drive from Clinton to Freeland this morning around 9 a.m. showed areas of South Whidbey remain without power after a major wind storm Tuesday.

A quick drive from Clinton to Freeland this morning around 9 a.m. showed areas of South Whidbey remain without power after a major wind storm Tuesday.

The Clinton commercial area was mostly without power, though some stores were running on generators such as the Clinton Foodmart and Cozy’s Roadhouse. Ken’s Korner was largely dark, though the Red Apple appeared to be open.

Most of Bayview was not restored.

According to a Facebook post by the Langley Police Department, Langley City Hall is running on a generator and open. The Star Store is also open.

Freeland’s commercial district had power, with the Wifire Coffee Bar open and offering its power and Internet to visitors.