It really does take a village | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor:

There is an epidemic among mothers of young children.

Characterized by bouts of sleeplessness, stress, isolation, frustration, exhaustion and crumbling wonder-women complexes, moms march on, blurry-eyed as they may be, but they march on.

Meanwhile, families are increasingly struggling to cope with job loss, rising costs, plummeting savings, multi-generational homes, cuts to family support services and so much more. The stress mounts. Everyone suffers.

And then, there are these small people, these unknowing and all-knowing small people. Our children. Lights of the world. Our teachers and guides. Our children. They can’t wait for the economy to improve, for the services to be resumed, for the stress to subside.

The village that it takes to raise a child has double duty. It not only beholds and nurtures the child, but also supports and cares for the mother, so that she, too, may behold and nurture her child.

It is in this spirit that Mother Mentors — a program committed to supporting mothers, fathers and other caregivers of young children — was formed. Mother Mentors provides in-home volunteer mentors; an extra pair of hands, an ear, a shoulder, to help in whatever way they can. It’s a simple and sublime idea.

We need, and welcome, all volunteers. Please join us for the next Mother Mentors training on July 12. You can call Mother Mentors at 579-4565 for more information about volunteering, or if you are interested in having a volunteer mentor.

When was the last time you held a newborn? When was the last time you got down on the floor and played?

Lisa Kois

Mother Mentors