Letter: Cartoon about Biden shows the reality


I was very glad to see the political cartoon of Biden with his mouth zipped up when it came to human rights in Iran and Communist China. So true, this old, senile dingbat could care less for any of those people that just want some freedoms and democracy. But what can one expect from this radical, far left, socialist, dishonest, crooked career politician?

I am also in agreement with the letter about Fred Stillwell. So the paper wrote about us veterans in front page editions, thanks for that. But a front page big picture of some pothead up in smoke…?! What can I say? This is how low we once were when a great country has descended? I think I coined a saying: ” Keep them doped up, dumb down, and surely they will vote Democrat.”

When I came back from Iraq, serving with the Navy SeaBees, I hurt my back real bad in one of the many convoys that I participated in. Back home in Commie-Fornia, I could have gotten a note from the doctor to smoke the stinkweed (marijuana) just for the asking, for the pains in my back, etc. I chose not to.

What a shameful country we have become. But hey! There is no inflation, no crisis on our southern border, no crime out of control, so I say: Thank you, Biden.

Luie Ferrer
