Letter: Change in garbage service wasn’t planned well


I’m writing about the Jan. 12 article on garbage pickup issues on the South End of the island. The problems noted are not the only problems. The new cans come with a top that doesn’t latch closed. This causes them to fly open when there is a wind. As everyone knows, we get a lot of that here.

On Tuesday, I walked my neighborhood prior to garbage pickup in the morning. Between a quarter to a third of the cans had the top blown open. Once open, anything loose gets blown out. There was a fair amount of garbage strewn around in the windy morning. I saw plastic delivery bags, plastic sheeting, tissues and other paper all blown out of the cans.

In addition, were it raining, the cans would fill up with water (It wasn’t this last Tuesday) and it allows some critters to get in. I called to complain and never received a call back. In my opinion, the decision on these cans wasn’t fully thought through and we are now saddled with cans that will blow open, cause garbage to be strewn around in my neighborhood and on the beach, fill with water, and put rodents and other critters on the hunt.

What solution, if any, will Island Disposal come up with?

Cheri Filion
