Letter: It’s easy to add inclusiveness to rainbow road


After reading Ms. Mabel Hansen’s June 16 letter, “Rainbow road is not inclusive of different groups,” I too became fearful that Coupeville’s rainbow roads are not inclusive of other disenfranchised people.

According to Mabel, the rainbow flag doesn’t include veterans, nor Indigenous, nor Chinese-Americans.

To address this, I have an excellent – some might call it a beautiful – plan to increase inclusiveness throughout Island County. But we must work together on this, to make it a reality.

Here’s our plan: Together, we will search Island County – in the schools, on the Naval base, in the pubs and even in your favorite local eateries — and together we will find a gay, Indigenous, Chinese-American veteran who will represent all those whom are not already covered under Coupeville’s rainbow flag.

It’s too late for inclusion in this month’s gay pride activities. But next year, you can walk – proudly, hand in hand – with your gay, Indigenous, Chinese-American veteran, and the two of you can lead the rainbow parade!

The rainbow roads and streets just got a bit wider and safer, and the rainbow flags just got a bit brighter, thanks to Mabel’s efforts. And to think, you did it all without virtual signaling or any rainbow washing. (By the way, how does one wash rainbows?)

David Freed
