Letter: Letter revealing of Democrats’ divisive position


Thank you, Ann Adams, for your Nov. 11 letter to the editor, which again identified the Democrat position on American politics.

First, you identify the Democrat narrative that the election is decided, decided by some pollsters and media calling the election for the Democrat candidate.

Then you identify that joy in Mudville is back —— real joy because the Democrat candidate has won.

Then you go on to note that we can go on to rebuild our democracy by single handedly and staunchly supporting the new Democrat president at every turn, even if we have to turn on some in the Democratic Party who are not all in.

Is this reality? I’m not sure?

I thought voters determined elections, not the media or pollsters, and when voters vote only living legal United States citizens count.

It seems to me that until the process is done and the citizen votes are tabulated, authenticated and perhaps adjudicated, will we have an actual official president elect.

As far as building our “democracy” is concerned, it’s already been done by a group of people in the 18th century and the result is a constitutional republic spelled out in the Constitution of the United States of America.

The Constitution begins “We the People” and it includes all those people whom you didn’t really mention in your letter, i.e. the 72 plus million people who voted for the other candidate in the election, unless you’re figuring on marching them all to the gulags of social and mainstream shaming media.

Jim Henderson
