Letter: Send Olympia message that common sense, virtue matter


I am writing today in support of Ron Muzzall for state Senate.

I have had the privilege of knowing Ron for over 30 years and consider him a friend. He is a person who is good to his word and who believes we all can do more to make the world a better place. He has served on many boards and committees to advance that idea and encourages all who come in contact with him to do the same.

My personal dealings with Ron have been great. He has always been available to lend a word of encouragement and a listening ear when I needed one. Many times I have seen Ron stop what he was doing, even during planting and harvesting season, and help out his neighbors, friends and even those he did not know.

Ron is pragmatic and is always willing to seek out details and information to develop a viewpoint on an issue. Olympia needs more people who vote their conscience and always have the best interests of the people in the forefront of their thinking. I encourage all to vote for Ron Muzzall for state Senate. Send the message to Olympia that common sense and virtue outweigh party dogma and politics.

Dean Thiem

Oak Harbor