LETTER TO THE EDITOR | A tax-supported transit is defensible, smart

Editor, Regarding Mr. Rose’s letter on Sept. 17 advocating fares for riding Island Transit, I am concerned with his final statement: “Nothing is free.”


Regarding Mr. Rose’s letter on Sept. 17 advocating fares for riding Island Transit, I am concerned with his final statement: “Nothing is free.”

Really? Are you seriously advocating that only those who pay for police or fire protection receive their benefits? Schools, libraries, roads, bridges, parking lots, emergency health care, parks … the list of public services is long. Nothing should be free to use? I do not share your vision.

I have been a regular Island Transit rider ever since I came to Whidbey 12 years ago. I would be able and happy to pay a fare if that’s what’s needed to keep the transit system going, but I’m even more happy to support free transit for all if that’s what will get more people to ride a bus. Use of transit reduces congestion, pollution and the number of parking spaces needed, plus it increases safety, reducing the need for emergency services. All these are benefits to those who never ride a bus. This is why tax-supported transit is not only defensible, it’s smart. And that’s before we even consider the benefits of enabling those who cannot drive to be productive (employed), participating members of our community.

