LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Bailey’s campaign is still negative

Editor, Who do you trust? Our candidates for state Senate have made a commitment to not run negative campaigns against each other, and only talk about the issues. Two days in a row I’ve received negative campaign mailers against candidate Angie Homola. They claim to be from the Good Government Leadership Council, but both the Public Disclosure Commission and I traced their origin. Funding for these hit pieces came from lobbyist working for the insurance industry, big tobacco, payday lenders & debt collectors, out of state drug companies, and Wall Street banks.


Who do you trust? Our candidates for state Senate have made a commitment to not run negative campaigns against each other, and only talk about the issues. Two days in a row I’ve received negative campaign mailers against candidate Angie Homola. They claim to be from the Good Government Leadership Council, but both the Public Disclosure Commission and I traced their origin. Funding for these hit pieces came from lobbyist working for the insurance industry, big tobacco, payday lenders & debt collectors, out of state drug companies, and Wall Street banks.

The hit pieces were full of misinformation and lies. What’s really interesting is, I then got a promotional flyer supporting candidate Barbara Bailey, who claims no connection to these flyers, but on her flyer she does go negative against her opponent. What’s strange is how Barbara Bailey’s negative accusations are exactly the same language as what’s on the lobbyist’s flyer. Isn’t that a coincidence?

What we need in our state and district is someone who will watch how every penny gets spent to make sure we’re getting our money’s worth for our tax dollars, while at the same time finding solutions to funding our public schools, maintaining our roads, bridges and ferry system. Candidate Bailey makes claims that she’s funding our schools, but the McCleary decision by our state supreme court doesn’t agree. No progress was made in the last two years to fully fund our public schools, but Bailey had no problem voting to fund private charter schools the last two years.

What it all comes down to is I trust Angie Homola to be our state senator and find ways to make progress on these critical decisions.


