LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Letter regarding Homola incorrect

Editor, I recently saw some negative mail smearing Washington Senate candidate Angie Homola; unflattering photo-shopped picture, you know the genre. Curious about the nasty-sounding “record” it portrayed, I did some digging. One typical example: “Before she was removed as an Island County Commissioner Homola voted 13 times to raise taxes, including property taxes.”


I recently saw some negative mail smearing Washington Senate candidate Angie Homola; unflattering photo-shopped picture, you know the genre. Curious about the nasty-sounding “record” it portrayed, I did some digging.

One typical example: “Before she was removed as an Island County Commissioner Homola voted 13 times to raise taxes, including property taxes.” Wow, was she a “tax and spend” liberal run out of town on a rail? Her record, I found, paints an opposite picture. She indeed voted with her colleagues, for the meager, below-inflation 1 percent annual tax increases permitted statewide by the strangling Tim Eyeman initiative. Governments use it to try to keep up with rising costs for asphalt, vaccines, deputy cars, courts, etc. The “property tax?” The popular Conservation Futures Fund, a tiny percent securing farm and agricultural land, aquifer recharge, etc. for generations.

Angie’s fiscal work: carefully cutting 20% from the county’s expense ledger to fix a budgeting train wreck from former commissioners’ intense reliance on building new houses for taxes. YET she preserved services, saving public safety also. She lost re-election by a hand full of votes (there were nasty attacks like this one). Hardly a “removal!”

“Who tars and distorts like this?” I asked. A little byline says: “Good Government Leadership Council.” It sounds uplifting, but alas, no. It is a PAC-like fund, bulging with cash from the Koch Brothers, Oil Companies, big banks, Payday Lenders and other high-rollers. This smear benefits Barbara Bailey of course, so I looked at Barbara’s personal political war chest and it has, surprise, surprise, many of the same supporters! A signal from her could have stopped this tarring approach, yet nothing but “plausible denial.”Angie would refuse money from a smearing supporter like that.

I’ll vote for Angie who will work hard for, and be truthful with, us real people.

