LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Bunco night was great, $5,000 donated to group

Editor, Friday, March 28, was the annual Bunco night sponsored by Providence General Children’s Association, Guild 21. The event was held at Useless Bay Country Club. Thanks to our community, Guild 21 was able to donate a record $5,000 to Providence General Children’s Association.


Friday, March 28, was the annual Bunco night sponsored by Providence General Children’s Association, Guild 21.

The event was held at Useless Bay Country Club. Thanks to our community, Guild 21 was able to donate a record $5,000 to Providence General Children’s Association.

Your donations of baskets for the silent auction and all of the ladies who bought tickets to play Bunco contributed to the success. Fun was definitely had by all.

One hundred percent of donations go to help women and children in our community by funding programs such as Camp Prov for special needs children, Dawson Place for victims of physical and sexual abuse, The Cancer Center and more.

Many thanks to all who contributed, to all of our volunteers who worked tirelessly to organize the event, and to Useless Bay Country Club for all of your help to make this a special event.

Thank you again from Guild 21. “For Their Care — We Care”

