LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Community support is strong

To the editor:

While strongly endorsing the concern expressed in Wednesday’s editorial cartoon regarding the dire straits affecting food banks throughout the country, we — as Good Cheer food bank volunteers — feel it incumbent upon ourselves to assure the community that Good Cheer’s shelves continue to be full, unlike the food bank depicted in the cartoon. Not only are they full, it is our expectation, hope and belief that with the continued support of the community, this reality will continue as long as a need exists.

We know, first hand, and greatly appreciate the extent of the support Good Cheer has received from many individuals, a myriad of community organizations and not a few members of the local business community to make Good Cheer’s mission vibrant and viable. Support in the form of in-kind food donations, cash and items that are re-sold in Good Cheer thrift stores have been generous to date.

Our entire community should be very proud, as we are, of how it has continued to step up to the challenge of helping those who find themselves unable to help themselves.

However, the need for candor also calls for making it clear that Good Cheer expects the need to continue to grow and very possibly/probably at an alarming rate. Good Cheer now provides food to approximately twice as many families as last year at this time. Today, nearly one in five persons living on the South End currently needs food assistance from Good Cheer. These figures and the trend they portend are ominous, as we can all agree.

So, while again reassuring everyone their food bank is “open for business,” we also would like to ask your readers to do three things.

One, accept our thanks for their support to date; two, please refer anyone they know who is in need of food to the Good Cheer food bank on Bayview Road; and three, continue to or consider providing support to Good Cheer in the forms of funding, in-kind assistance and/or your time. The need is great and growing every day.

Paul and Sheryl Goldfinger and Louise and Dan Prewitt
