LETTER TO THE EDITOR | First it was Whidbey’s showers, now it’s food

Editor, First showers, now food. Wasn’t this the type of thing I was just talking about in my last letter? After Clinton’s community meeting last Monday, I have observed the prompt closure of the food machine behind the community hall. If you think taking away access to free food (which is for ALL WHO ARE IN NEED) will drive the junkies out of the community, think again.


First showers, now food. Wasn’t this the type of thing I was just talking about in my last letter? After Clinton’s community meeting last Monday, I have observed the prompt closure of the food machine behind the community hall. If you think taking away access to free food (which is for ALL WHO ARE IN NEED) will drive the junkies out of the community, think again.

If you thought people on drugs were irrational, try dealing with hungry people. They are much more irrational. On another note entirely, I did attend last Monday’s meeting myself and I would like to give a shout out to Lieutenant Tingstad. Lieutenant, what you said to set the older gentleman straight about homeless folk was profound and exactly what these people need to keep in mind. Thank you again for that.

