LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Forming a Whidbey PUD is a no-brainer

To the editor:

There is an old saying, “If you can’t dazzle ‘em with brilliance, baffle’em with b.s.” Which comes to mind when I see these signs around the island from “Whidbey Consumers for Affordable Energy,” urging people to vote no on Whidbey PUD.

They tell us to “pull the plug on a government takeover and oppose municipalization,” which is baffling because the government they refer to is us, the people of Whidbey.

And municipalization translates to home rule. What we are being urged to do is to vote against ourselves. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time that has happened. What would “Whidbey Consumers for Affordable Energy” have us otherwise plug into?

For anyone not sure of the benefits and affordability of a public utility, of self governance, just consider Big Oil for a minute. Then try to imagine what Big Power and Big Water would bring to your table. How would that be affordable?

PUDs work for the people they serve. They are accountable to their ratepayers rather than their shareholders. They provide living wage jobs here at home rather than senseless executive payload somewhere else.

Yes on Whidbey PUD is an opportunity we can’t afford to pass up. It’s the first step towards true energy independence, and a far more stable economy.

Yes on Whidbey PUD is a dazzling no-brainer.

Marilyn Phillips
