LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Funicular is a waste of time, money, goodwill

Editor, Kim Kardashian’s cantilevered posterior dominates American culture. Langley Mayor Fred McCarthy, the city council, local businessmen and hotel owners are determined to cantilever a funicular off a bluff to dominate the Langley marina. Both assets, with time and age, will slip, slide and sag. These government leaders have wasted time, money and goodwill flogging this $500,000 taxpayer-funded boondoggle.


Kim Kardashian’s cantilevered posterior dominates American culture. Langley Mayor Fred McCarthy, the city council, local businessmen and hotel owners are determined to cantilever a funicular off a bluff to dominate the Langley marina. Both assets, with time and age, will slip, slide and sag. These government leaders have wasted time, money and goodwill flogging this $500,000 taxpayer-funded boondoggle.

This endeavor is obscene, considering one-third of South Whidbey residents utilize the services of the Good Cheer Food Bank. Also, 64 percent of South Whidbey school students qualify for the Free and Reduced Lunch Program. We have an 8.5 percent unemployment rate. Approximately 70 students are homeless, with their families living in cars, RVs, in the woods, in sheds, barns and other sub-standard housing. Longtime residents of Langley rely on the food bank, subsidized housing and homeless students and families work and shop in Langley. Step outside the city limits and find that people across and up and down the South End view this town with scorn and disbelief at the petty status seekers and the greed and the avarice displayed by government.

In a recent issue of this newspaper, Mayor Fred called me obnoxious. A few paragraphs later he bestowed upon himself a state of grace. While I don’t know much about this sort of crypto-voodoo religiosity and piety, I understood there is a state of satori in Zen Buddhism, and the Scientologists have some sort of Clear. Clearly, His Grace treats the city council members like mushrooms in a dark cave, having ol’ shovel ready Stan Berryman, head of public works, ready for work in his Bermuda shorts and sneakers, shoveling in “Gol’ darn bull pucky,” to paraphrase  a couple of quotes  by City Councilman Bruce Allen. The council’s response is a Greek chorus from Hogan’s Hero’s Stulzie, “I know nothing.”

Go ahead ya’all, make my day.

