LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Grassroots work is vital to communities

To the editor:

At the Republican Convention sarcastic comments with derogatory implications toward community organizers were uttered by several speakers, most notably Rudy Guilliani and Gov. Sarah Palin. These comments were disturbing, hurtful and insulting to those of us involved in social outreach and community organizing.

Even more disturbing was the reaction of convention delegates who jeered and laughed at the mention of the words “community organizer.” This is perhaps understandable given the fact that the average income for Republican delegates was more than $500,000 (CBS News). They obviously have never had the need for community organization to empower themselves.

South Whidbey has many individuals involved in social outreach and organizing. This is noble and mostly volunteer work that deserves respect, not jeers. These groups and individuals are engaged in activities which attempt to empower the marginalized and assist the least of our brothers and sisters.

Remember that Jesus was a community organizer and Pontius Pilate was a governor.

Dick Hall
