LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Study issues, not personalities

To the editor:

I’m very convinced that the McCain/Palin ticket is a circus of cowards.

Yes they are politicians, but are they genuine people who care about America? I don’t think so, they’re more like cartoon characters sporting fake IDs.

The McCain political ads are a detriment and embarrassment to the American political process. The Republican Party that exists today is suffering from loss of identity, superficiality and an indifference to the greater majority of America.

Meanwhile, the parading dog-and-pony show of the McCain/Palin ticket send out constant mantras of lies and false promises, pandering to the masses while the candidates are being staged by special interest handlers.

Who has Maverick McCain evolved into, an Inde-publican? What’s there to say about a man of many contrasts -who can only describe himself a hero at best?

It’s interesting to see McCain presently milking his Hanoi Hilton experience for all it’s worth, when he thought very little of it years ago. How can any veteran support a candidate who voted to deny necessary funds for our armed service men and women’s support and recovery?

It was tragic and embarrassing for millions to observe an impulsive McCain make his pick for vice-president. Gov. Palin is only an arousing “personality” without genuine substance or consistency, and a classic example of how anyone can run for governor.

Has this great country regressed to ancient Roman times, ruled by tyrannical despots, gamblers and chariot racers? Don’t they know the truly stupid are those who believe their own lies?

My hope is we can all agree that America needs a leader who is not intimidated by honesty, education, healthcare, real achievement, diplomacy, intelligence and sound judgment. Our leader must also be willing to observe the common people’s needs – not dismiss them; mandate protection for our nation’s children, elderly, people with special needs, and protect our nation’s Constitution.

We have a candidate who embraces all these qualities with tremendous sincerity. His name is Barack Obama.

It’s been unfortunate to see, since the infamous attack on 9/11, how We The People in the last eight years have succumbed to the manipulation, fear and war-mongering of the Bush Administration. This administration has split our nation and diminished our voices. A weakened America is quickly becoming a bankrupted wasteland. Helplessness and apathy has been a slow demise of spirit and integrity.

Can our nation afford more of the same punishment by candidate John McCain? We must not accept this tone of belief; for, we will surely lose our country if we lower our heads passively.

Presently, we have an opportunity and a challenge, to reawaken our own power to think, decide,and make a vote that really counts. We can raise our heads with dignity, and study the issues instead of the personalities.

Shari James
