LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Your payments at work: Astroturf

To the editor:

Whidbey Island electric customers should be aware that their monthly electric payments to PSE are financing the following “astroturf” (phony grassroots) organizations. Through these phony groups PSE is trying to stop our public utility district (the public’s) potential incursions into PSE’s “for profit” enterprises:

$50,000 to “Whidbey Consumers for Affordable Energy”;

$60,000 to “Jefferson County Citizens Against Prop. 1”;

$70,000 to oppose Skagit’s electric implementation.

That’s $180,000 — (more than dinner out). And it’s still a while till a November vote. Who knows how much will be squandered?

Truthful naming of the groups might be: “PSE Execs for Profit Preservation.”

It sure would be nice if instead, PSE spent that $180,000 (and counting) of our rate payments to implement renewable energy (e.g. wind, solar, tidal) instead of wasting it trying to protect its turf. But I’m sure those executives have their reasons.

John Hurd
