LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Headline writers should take care

To the editor:

Two glaring errors have appeared in recent Letters to the Editor that concern two important political issues. The first was the headline above Ken Urstad’s letter on Sept. 27 that stated “PUD Rates are Cheaper Than PSE.” To the contrary, the electricity rates for PSE as quoted in Mr. Urstad’s letter were lower than that of Snohomish County PUD.

In the Oct. 4 issue, the headline above David F. Hiestand’s letter concerning the Wall Street bailout stated “Republicans Are to Blame for This Mess.” Again to the contrary, Mr. Hiestand’s letter is clearly suggesting otherwise.

Regardless of which side of the political fence one is on, journalistic responsibility demands that The Record do a better job of editing to insure that careless errors like this do not occur in the future.

Mike Waitt
