LETTER TO THE EDITOR | How about all the facts before proceeding?

Editor, Eric Levine’s viewpoint expressed concern about a few opponents to constructing an elevator or funicular who may not have all the facts. I am one of those. Eric said he composed a summary of answers to many questions. He forgot some.


Eric Levine’s viewpoint expressed concern about a few opponents to constructing an elevator or funicular who may not have all the facts. I am one of those.

Eric said he composed a summary of answers to many questions. He forgot some.

Where is parking for those using the device? At this past Langley City Council, staff disclosed a five-year trial arrangement to use school parking during the summer. Insufficient for year-round use for the device’s life. No sense spending $500,000 or more (the council estimated $800,000) with a short-term parking arrangement for only summer months. Where will customers of the proposed restaurant park?

Eric provided limited measurements by phone to someone that makes funiculars. Based on that sketchy information their “preliminary estimate” was within the $500,000 grant and repairs and maintenance would be included. The council has no estimate for operating and maintaining the device. Yet to be determined. The grant does not cover repairs and maintenance.

Eric says it’s a solution for people “designated orthopedically disabled or otherwise unable to get up and down to the marina unassisted.” He did not say how the orthopedically disabled would get to and from the funicular unassisted. If a car drops them off on Cascade, could a car alternatively drop them off at the marina? I am not against helping disabled people but there are options. Any answers?

He says the device would hold the wheeled carts that boaters use for gear and provisions. Will wheeled carts be available to boaters at the school parking lot? Will boaters leave them at the marina and push them back to their cars upon return? Or drive to the marina to load and unload?

It is said this device will add to Langley’s economic success. No projections have been made to show who will benefit and by how much. Would you make a huge long-term commitment of taxpayer money without good estimates of taxpayers’ future cost of cleaning, operation and maintenance? It would be expensive to keep this device safe and in good service.

Could Eric answer these questions for us “few, but very vocal [critics] — who may not have all the facts”?


Mukilteo, WA