LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Langley is dying, and fear of change is killing it

Editor, The recent funicular fuss and mayoral race has highlighted what’s been obvious for awhile: Langley is dying and instead of trying to save it, people are tightening the noose around her neck.


The recent funicular fuss and mayoral race has highlighted what’s been obvious for awhile: Langley is dying and instead of trying to save it, people are tightening the noose around her neck.

When there are empty buildings on main street for years —approaching a decade — a town is dying. When there is lack of innovation, fear and opposition of change and of something different, and the status quo of neglect and attrition are not only maintained, but fought for — the town is dying.

It is one thing to manage growth and change, but to fight against it in an attempt to maintain the present state of affairs is choosing a slow and painful death.

Yes, there are businesses that succeed in Langley; they are a valued asset to the town and community! A funicular will not change that. Growth will not change that. No one is proposing putting a Walmart in downtown Langley. They are coming up with ideas to attract more people — more tourists — so that businesses might not stand empty for years on end, and there might be more success and more value in the community.

It’s fine if you don’t like whatever proposals are out there. However, in your opposition, if you don’t also offer something to help Langley get out of its death spiral, you are participating in stifling, smothering and killing The Village by the Sea.

Please join me in choosing something different for Langley. Please join me in choosing to breathe life, and innovation, and change.

