LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Sewer commissioner does not support incorporation

Editor, I would like to comment on the May 6 story in The Record, “Freeland continues to fight for growth in Comp Plan” both as a Freeland Water and Sewer District commissioner and as a Freeland resident. The article was very confused and contained erroneous information.


I would like to comment on the May 6 story in The Record, “Freeland continues to fight for growth in Comp Plan” both as a Freeland Water and Sewer District commissioner and as a Freeland resident. The article was very confused and contained erroneous information.

The meeting I attended at the county was for adoption of the Countywide Planning Policies and as regards Freeland, the word “city” was never mentioned at the meeting.

The sewer district has no legislative authority regarding incorporation and therefore can take no position on Freeland incorporation. It is not “up to the water and sewer district” if Freeland should become a city. It is up to the residents of Freeland.

The sewer district supports the county planning department’s writing of Countywide Planning Policies and the Buildable Lands Analysis. Whether or not the county decides to resize the Freeland Non-Municipal Urban Growth Area, the sewer district is planning for infrastructure for Freeland on new, perhaps affordable, phasing.

As a Freeland resident, I do not support Freeland incorporation. Any statements to the contrary are false.

Thank you,

