LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Lies are answered with truth

To the editor:

I attended the healthcare forum in Coupeville last Thursday, and other than my disappointment that Whidbey Islanders would engage in the same sort of shameful behavior being engaged in by Republican thugs across the nation, I walked away with conflicting feelings about how best to deal with such despicable behavior.

On the one hand, by their rude, obnoxious, belligerent tactics, the Republicans are marginalizing themselves further from mainstream society. Part of me just wants to sit quietly and watch them self-destruct, which ultimately would be a good thing, although it is unpleasant to observe.

On the other hand, like any cancer, there is a danger that if corrective action is not taken quickly to address the lies, deceits, distortions and bullying tactics of the Republican Party, the offending tumor will continue to grow and ultimately destroy our society.

Under this approach, the un-American activities of the Republicans who engage in these ugly practices must be confronted — they simply cannot be allowed to prevent the intelligent, contemplative, truthful discussion of important issues by the vast majority of real Americans.

Rep. Rick Larsen began performing this necessary surgery during the forum. He deftly exposed the Republican lies, deceits and distortions by repeatedly quoting directly from the principal pending House bill.

For example, their lies regarding rationing of healthcare and coverage of undocumented aliens were immediately and effectively refuted when Rep. Larsen read the relevant portions of the bill to the audience (there will be no rationing of healthcare, and undocumented aliens are expressly excluded from coverage under the bill). Time and again, Republican lies were answered with truth, and truth won out.

We are all entitled to be informed about the issues. However, we don’t deserve and, indeed, cannot tolerate right-wing lies, distortions and bullying tactics.

On its present course, the Republican Party is slowly dying, and we are probably witnessing its death throes. If it persists in such un-American activities, I wish the party a quick and painless death.

Nels Kelstrom
