LETTER TO THE EDITOR: McCain campaign resorts to lies

To the editor:

John McCain tells three kinds of lies: bald-faced, grain-of-truth, and just-for-fun.

A bald-faced lie McCain tells is that Obama will raise taxes on people who make $42,000 a year. The truth is that under Obama’s plan, no one making less than $250,000 a year will have a tax hike, low-income workers will get new tax cuts, and seniors making $50,000 or less will pay no income tax. Only those making $250,000 or more will have their rates returned to pre-Bush-tax-cut levels (see http://www.taxpolicycenter.org/UploadedPDF/411750_updated_candidates_summary.pdf).

A McCain TV ad that lies with a grain of truth says Obama favors “comprehensive sex education” for kindergartners. What the bill actually said was that “medically accurate” sex education was reserved for the higher grades. Kindergartners would learn about inappropriate touching and how to deal with sexual predators. Is John McCain against warning children about pedophiles?

McCain keeps repeating that Sarah Palin sold the Alaska governor’s jet on eBay, at a profit. No, she didn’t. When the $2.7 million jet didn’t sell on eBay, one of her wealthy campaign contributors bought it for $2.1 million, a $600,000 loss. That’s a trivial lie, but do we really want a president who lies to us just for fun?

Ann Adams

Oak Harbor