LETTER TO THE EDITOR: More lies from the McCain campaign

To the editor:

John McCain is never more combative than when he’s defending his lies. He almost growled at Joy Behar on “The View” when she asked why he approved the lies in TV ads accusing Obama of supporting “comprehensive sex education” in kindergarten, and claiming Obama called Sarah Palin a pig.

McCain said those weren’t lies, even though the “sex education” was information about how to avoid pedophiles, and “putting lipstick on a pig” described McCain’s plans for changing Washington. (Obama told David Letterman if he had been thinking of Palin when he made that remark, she would have been the lipstick, not the pig.)

McCain denied that Palin has asked for any earmarks as governor. So the $197 million she requested for 2009, and the $256 million for 2008 don’t count?

When Charlie Gibson questioned Palin about asking for earmarks while opposing them, she said her earmarks are different from other people’s because she asks for them openly, whereas other people sneak them into bills.

Do you feel better about paying for a study of the mating habits of crabs in Alaska because Palin asked for the money openly?

Seeing her son off to the Iraq war, Palin referred to 9/11 by saying he was going to “defend the innocent from the enemies who planned and carried out and rejoiced in the death of thousands of Americans.”

Bush himself has admitted that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. Palin needs her briefing book updated.

McCain says Palin is an expert on foreign affairs because she can see Russia from Alaska.

I can see Whidbey Island Naval Air Station every time I drive by there, so why won’t they give me my pilot’s license?

Trudy J. Sundberg

Oak Harbor