LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Vote Republican this November

To the editor:

The theme of this election period seems to be “change,” and I’m for that!

What we have is a governor and Legislature run wild, with little or no restraint. The budget surplus we had has been turned into a terrible deficit. Spending is out of sight; taxes are skyrocketing; regulations are ridiculous; and the politicians blatantly, vigorously and continually try to take away our constitutional rights of initiative and referendum.

Throw in 6,000 new state employees, the less-than-stellar education system, closed-door union negotiations and you get a very clear picture of Olympia today. You bet we need a change!

And we have some very good people wanting to make those changes. A few are even in Olympia now fighting against the Democrats’ excesses, but there are not enough of them. Norma Smith and Barbara Bailey are trying to hold the line, but they need help.

Certainly Dino Rossi will bring sanity and fiscal responsibility to the governor’s office.

His leadership is imperative to curtail spending, prevent further erosion of business in the state and to institute open union negotiations and transparent governance.

We need Linda Haddon to replace Mary Margaret Haugen.

Sen. Haugen served well for many years. I, too, voted for her several times, but NOT now. Too much has gone wrong, especially in transportation, which is her senate committee.

It is time for new leadership, fiscal responsibility, and a much more watchful eye. And that is Linda Haddon! She is an alert, intelligent, fiscally attentive woman with experience in the business world. She has shown a sincere desire to serve this state and will be a definite asset in solving the many problems the current administration has dumped on us.

We need Linda and others like her who will address our state’s problems, not create more.

And someone better keep a very close watch on King County this election!

Anita W. Johnston

Oak Harbor