LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Parks district doesn’t need more money

Editor, The South Whidbey Parks & Recreation District is asking for an increase in the amount of property taxes paid by all South Whidbey taxpayers.


The South Whidbey Parks & Recreation District is asking for an increase in the amount of property taxes paid by all South Whidbey taxpayers.

Currently all of the properties managed by the district, especially Community Park and the Sports Complex, are in great condition and open to all residents. These properties look their best even though funding has dropped due to declining property values. Staff have proven themselves capable of managing these properties well even with less money.

It is not necessary to increase funding to the district just to accommodate the special interests of certain board members, who consider soccer first and South Whidbey residents second.

I enjoy the properties managed by the district and do not want to see them lose funding, however, I am not willing to give more money to a board that is making irresponsible decisions.

