LETTER TO THE EDITOR | South Whidbey Fire/EMS volunteers deserve kudos

Editor, Congratulations on your section, “Salute to Firefighters” on Oct. 30. I feel it was a real bonus for our community to put faces and names to this group of people doing extraordinary service for the South End.


Congratulations on your section, “Salute to Firefighters” on Oct. 30. I feel it was a real bonus for our community to put faces and names to this group of people doing extraordinary service for the South End.

Congratulations also for the individual profiles before the tribute and continuing. They give a fine picture of the quality of this group’s members. I am sure they will bring new volunteers into the service.

During my late husband’s declining years we had several occasions to call 911, and the calm demeanor and professional care given by fire department staff and volunteers was outstanding.

Thank you for this excellent example of what makes the South Whidbey Record an award-winning newspaper.


