LETTER TO THE EDITOR | County permit process lacks needed teeth

Editor, Could someone please explain to me what the building/planning department is there for. They issue permits to build and yet they have absolutely no control after the permit is issued.


Could someone please explain to me what the building/planning department is there for. They issue permits to build and yet they have absolutely no control after the permit is issued.

I have a friend who added a whole new addition, including walls, electrical work, plumbing etc.; work done by local island contractors and she never bothered with a permit. My neighbor has an open permit, and does exactly what he wants. I call, and am told they do not “police” work done. He flaunts their rules and regulations and thumbs his nose at them and is a general pain in the butt. I have talked to both the building and planning departments and those folks have always been polite, accommodating and friendly, and yet will tell you, “There is nothing we can do,” that “it is out of our hands” and on and on. What’s the point with a permit? Why bother? Kelly Emerson has proved nothing will happen if you do what you want. Oh, sure, threats of a fine … big deal. The old adage of “It’s easier to say sorry than to get permission” sure holds true. So we pay big bucks to our county employees, who are completely ineffectual, whose hands are tied if they try to enforce regulations, so they don’t even try.

I am trying hard to understand the ways of our county laws and how we are governed. Someone needs to get a grip.

Thank you.

