LETTER TO THE EDITOR | South Whidbey seems to want a dictator

Editor, We face a potential crisis as citizens of the State of Washington and the United States of America. This potential crisis emanates from the demagoguery of ethnic baiting, false economic failure and demonization of those the demagogue disagrees with. The demagogues play upon those members of society who feel disenfranchised, dispossessed, and/or demoralized. The demagogue promises a quick fix to the perceived problems by saying things such as “I’ll get things done” with no clear plan as to how.


We face a potential crisis as citizens of the State of Washington and the United States of America. This potential crisis emanates from the demagoguery of ethnic baiting, false economic failure and demonization of those the demagogue disagrees with. The demagogues play upon those members of society who feel disenfranchised, dispossessed, and/or demoralized. The demagogue promises a quick fix to the perceived problems by saying things such as “I’ll get things done” with no clear plan as to how.

But it apparently doesn’t matter. What supporters of such candidates appear to want is a dictator, someone who can ride roughshod over all the institutions: economic, political and social. After all, democratic decision-making can take time and can easily be a bit messy. Dictators, pharaohs, kings and caudillos (men on a white horse) can get things done fast by just ordering it done and by saying “do it” even if it’s wrong and violates human dignity and human rights.

However, there could be an upside to all this. By having a dictator, we would avoid having elections, cease to be citizens and just be subjects. Having to choose a leader or fuehrer would no longer be an option. All decisions would be made for us. Of course those people who fail to fit into the required category could/would be eliminated or at least relegated to special concentrated areas.

I prefer the democratic messiness, making difficult decisions and feeling that my opinion matters all elements provided by the U.S. Constitution.

